Watcha WEIRD OHS! I'm Mr A the Barber.
The Weird Oh behind the YOU GOT GOOD TASTE podcast. Squares Beware!
WEIRDSVILLE club night in London.
** TRASHY ROCK'N'ROLLl till 1am **
** WEIRD 'n' WILD MOVIES projections**
Join me at WEIRDSVILLE for a night of weird 'n' wild trashy rock'n'roll.
Experience the kind of degenerate music that the squares are scared of!
Trashiest Rock'n'Roll, the Sleaziest R'n'B, the most Primitive Punk, the Fuzziest Garage and the Wildest of Rockers.
Assault your eyeballs with projections from some of the weirdest wildest movie clips you'll ever see!!!
takes you to all the links for the podcast and WEIRDSVILLE.
probably the best thing I have ever heard